Thursday 15 March 2012

When I was young...

When I was young, say 7 or 8, I wished that I was adopted.
This wasn't because I hated my parents, I love my family, I think they're great. But they're my family. I know them. They're a bit boring, really.There's no mysteries surrounding them, no secrets.
 The truth is, I desperately wanted an adventure, and as all kids know, because all the children's fiction tells them, you can't have an super-dooper adventure if you have parents.
Narnia is a prime example.

Why am I telling you this?
I'd say I've lost my spark for adventure, but I don't think I really know how to have an adventure.
Do you remember that clip in the first Transformers film, where Shia LaBeouf turns to Megan Fox and says '50 years from now, when you look back on your life, don't you want to say you had the guts to get in the car?'?
Those kind of moments don't happen in real life. You never get alien cars, you never get clear cut, "choose certain death and excitement or a long life full of drudgery" moments.
What you do get, though, are moments of the same importance, disguised as the weird thing that happened to you that day. I've never realised that they're happening, but every time I act sensibly, every time I decide not to be spontaneous, I choose boring.
The weird thing that happened to me today happened only a few hours ago. I was at a bus stop, heading towards an ill-fated rendezvous with a cinema, when an old Asian couple approached me and asked me if my name was Sean/Shaun/Shawn (however you want to spell it). I instantly said no, they said thank you, and proceeded to ask every other male at the stop.

My question is...what would have happened if I'd said yes?
I know it sounds crazy, it sounds stupid and a good way to get in a lot of trouble and be really annoying, but I think adventure must be taken. A giant alien car, or a wardrobe to another world isn't going to appear in most of our lives, but what are the odds of someone asking you if you're someone else at least once in your life?
Who knows, maybe that couple were undercover agents, looking for their Australian connection. Perhaps they were going to whisk me away overseas to uncover drug plots and foil terrorists, get ripped and learn to shoot people.
Perhaps they were late to a concert that I...I mean Sean, was going to see with them.
But perhaps they were trying to get to the airport, and I either had to cough up the taxi fair or confess to my un-Sean-ness.
 I dunno, what is better, a life with no useless taxi fairs, or a life filled with free concerts and drug busts?