Thursday 26 April 2012

Who's that guy?!?! It's me

I haven't written an actual post in a little while, and I understand why no-one wants to read everyone else's assesment. That would be weird.
Anywho, I thought you might like an answer to a little mystery.

You know the guy who goes to your lectures who has shaved his head?
That's me.
It was my 19th birthday last wednesday, and I realised that
1. I feel like shaving my head. And, slightly more philosophical that 1....
2. I haven't done anything permanent in a little while.

When you actually pause to think about this, you'll find that it's true. Most things we do in everyday life can be reversed. If you travel somewhere, you can and most likely will travel back. If you eat something, you can throw it up, or just stop eating it.
Hair is not one of those things. So, on the evening of my 19th birthday, I stood in front of the mirror, took the kitchen sissors in my hand, grabbed my fringe and snipped it off.
And I immediatly realised I couldn't go back. There was no possible way to stick it back on. I had to keep going on.
So, two hours and six razors later, my head was shaved down to the skin, and to be honest, I didn't like it. I didn't realise how much my hair mattered to me until it was all gone, but there it was, all on the floor. The clean up sucked.
So anyway, for the last week I've suffered through strange glances (I'm pretty sure hairdressers hate me), my friends either not recognising me or forgetting that I'm actually the same person, and the growing cold of winter. That one's only going to get worse.
 Still, I think that for the amount of thinking that I've been doing, it was worth it.
Plus, it feels really good to rub.

Factual Story-Backpacking England in 7 pictures

ON the 4th of May, 2011, I caught a plane destined for London, England


I saw the sights.

After three months and a few too many visits to the pub... (accessed 11:04am, 27/04/12)

  ...I was flat broke. Camping out and busking was my solution.

It got pretty tough at times, and it could be very lonely, but my backpacking experience was unique. I saw things no other backpackers saw, and met some terrific people along the way.

My life hasn't been the same since.